By Johnson Doss,
This is the banner of hatred towards Indians which doesn't reflect the sincerity of 1Malaysia slogan. We are considered "OUT CASTE" in our own motherland . This banner is a prove of what we are all commenting about .. True enough what Mr. Utayakumar has been saying from the beginning about "ETHNIC CLEANSING" of the Indian community in Malaysia.
The Freedom of Religion does exist anymore in Malaysia as article 11 of the Federal Constitution have been ignored by the "Ketuanan Melayu". Artidle 11 of the Federal Constitution provides for religious freedom, which includes the right to establish and maintain places of worships and own and acquire property. minority religious groups reported that state authorities sometimes blocked construction using restrictive zoning and construction codes.
For this reason, I ask all Indians to be UNITED and stand firm against this form of "Barbarian Act "of the Malays Racist . We will not bow down again to this kind of threat. Let us fight for our freedom to worship .
This is the banner of hatred towards Indians which doesn't reflect the sincerity of 1Malaysia slogan. We are considered "OUT CASTE" in our own motherland . This banner is a prove of what we are all commenting about .. True enough what Mr. Utayakumar has been saying from the beginning about "ETHNIC CLEANSING" of the Indian community in Malaysia.
The Freedom of Religion does exist anymore in Malaysia as article 11 of the Federal Constitution have been ignored by the "Ketuanan Melayu". Artidle 11 of the Federal Constitution provides for religious freedom, which includes the right to establish and maintain places of worships and own and acquire property. minority religious groups reported that state authorities sometimes blocked construction using restrictive zoning and construction codes.
For this reason, I ask all Indians to be UNITED and stand firm against this form of "Barbarian Act "of the Malays Racist . We will not bow down again to this kind of threat. Let us fight for our freedom to worship .