Racist Uthayakumar a BN agent
Perak DAP leader A Sivanesan shreds the HRP leader, calling the latter a racist whose logic of winning seats did not make sense.
Perak DAP state vice chief A Sivanesan told FMT that HRP just wants to be a spoiler and they do not have the numbers to win the state and parliamentary seats that they have demanded.
Uthayakumars political aim is always focused on attacking Pakatan and its elected representatives but not BN. Why doesnt he ask BN for the 15 parliamentary and 38 state seats? His political moves and actions indicate that he is a BN agent, he added.
Sivanesan said he cannot make sense of Uthayakumars logic of taking seven state seats and three parliamentary seats in Perak with only Indian votes.
He is a racist by only talking about Indian rights and will not get the support of the Chinese and Malay voters, added the Sungkai assemblyperson.
Sivanesan said while Uthayakumar always degraded Pakatans Indian elected representatives as being mandores, these mandores however do not betray the people like him.
He does not have the numbers (voters) to win the seats and he wants to threaten us by demanding to ride piggy-back on our support to win the seats. If they are so sure of getting all the votes of the Indian community then let them stand on their own and lose their deposits, he said.
Money bait for Hindraf rally
As for the Hindraf rally in 2007, Sivanesan said the huge turnout was because Uthayakumar and his brother Waythamoorthy had baited the Indians! with th e promise of monetary rewards.
The brothers promised to file a Four Trillion British Pound law suit against the British government at the British court and claim US$1 million compensation for every Indian residing in Malaysia.
So, why was the lawsuit not filed to get the so-called compensation as promised. So, it was all a sandiwara on their part to get the support of the Indian community and now Indians have realised the ulterior motive of the brothers and have boycotted all their road shows, said Sivanesan.
The DAP leader demanded that the brothers show all the accounts for the public funds collected in the name of Hindraf from 2007 till now.
Uthayakumar had wanted to contest in 15 parliamentary and 38 state seats in the coming general election to safeguard the interests of the marginalised Indian community. He had also warned Pakatan that the coalition would lose Perak if it did not come to the negotiation table with HRP.
PSM: What has he contributed?
Meanwhile, Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) also saw red over Uthayakumars labelling of Indian representatives as mandores.
PSM national coordinator K Kunasekaran said: Uthayakumar is only good at calling Pakatan leaders as mandores and making media statements but what has he done to improve the socio-economic welfare of the Indian community?
What are his programmes to improve the social status of the Indian community and can he produce his track record of services rendered by him for this marginalised community?
HRP is taking a racist stand as a short-cut for political mileage but in the long run it wont get the support of other races and will die off like other mosquito Indian-based parties, he pointed out.