5 reasons to visit Solo city
Solo is a city in Central Java, Indonesia. It is well known for its cultural heritage and its participation in Indonesias history. As a vacation place, Solo is a really good place to go to.
Heres why you need to go to Solo.
1. Youre A Food Traveler
If you are a food traveler, food blogger, culinary adventurer, or you just enjoy good food, youd love this place. Solo is a heaven for food lover in Indonesia. It has lots of traditional food which would enrich your food tasting experience. You can find many restaurants, cafe, hawker food centers and many street food in this city, from traditional to international food.

Heres my recommendation. You can go toGALABO, a very well known hawker center in Solo, where many traditional food sellers are gathered in an open space spot. In this place you will be able to try as many food as you would love to, and be entertained with traditional music performances.
Yes, you can go toWindu Djenar Antiques Marketplace in Ngarsopuro. A well known place to go to if you want to buy some artworks. If youre good enough you can haggle the prices to the lowest but if you cant, well its cheap anyway. In this marketplace you can find lots of arts shops selling from furnitures,wayang (puppets),keris (traditional daggers) and so much more.
You found it hard to find this place? Ask the nearest local people, they will show you how to get there. By the way, if they dont understand what youre talking about, you may ask about Pasar Triwindu. All the same.
3. Youre Fashion Conscious
You must have! heard a bout Batik. Batik is one of Indonesians traditional art of painting and coloring cloths. You can find many different Batik patterns in many cities in Indonesia, but Solo is already well known for itsBatik Solo. The best thing is, you can enjoy Solo Batik Carnival and Solo Batik Fashion Festival which will be held in Solo occasionally. You can check out their events calendar to know when the Batik Fashion would be held next year.
Since Batik is very well known in Solo, you can not only buy Batik here. You can also visit theirBatik Museum, and theKampung Batik. You can see how Batik is made, and maybe if youre interested you can take a short course to make your own Batik.
4. Youre A Backpacker
Why? Because everything in Solo is very cheap. You can enter a museum for less than USD 2, and eat for less than USD 3, and take abecak (traditional cab) or walk (because the government facilitate the pedestrians with walking street in protocols streets), and also find affordable hotels, motels and also home stay and guest houses. You will have hundreds of options of cheapaccommodationshere in Solo, so you dont have to worry about how much you will spend here.
If you need guidance, you dont have to be afraid. You dont need to take a city tour as well since you can find a Tourist Information Center in Jalan Slamet Riyadi, the main street in Solo. Backpacking in Solo is really fun too, because theres actually lots of places to go.
5. Youre Enjoying Performing Arts
You can download theCalendar of Cultural Events in the governments official website. Youll find that in Solo there are lots of performing arts held every weeks. Not only the regular events, like shadow puppets in every weekends and traditional dance every other weeks, but also the events that is held occasionally like SIEM (Solo International Ethnic M! usic) Fe stival, and SIPA (Solo International Performing Arts) Festival.
Not only performing arts, but the cultural events like the traditional parades, the people celebration on the city square, and many more events you can enjoy in Solo.