British M.P The Rt Hon Lyn Featherstone receives Kg Medan ethnic cleansing HRP complaint to International Criminal Court, The Hague.
Rt. Hon. Lynn Featherstone MP For Wood Green &Hornsey.
Dear Madam, Please see below FYI from HRP Malaysia. HRP complaint to International Criminal Court : 1)State sponsored crimes against humanity in Malaysia first complaint to ICC. 2)Kampong Medan mini genocide murder of 5 ethnic minority Indians and 100 over caused grievous bodily injuries. 3) ICC Fact F.
We hope your good self will approach our Foreign Secretary/Common Wealth Mr. William Hague for quick Action in these issues. Again we thank you for tabling an EDM on 22/02/2010 for unlawful Indian deaths in Police Custody in Malaysia.
Look forward to hear from you soon.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,