Over Rs. 3 lakh raised for martyred police officers families
ISLAMABAD, Over Rs. 3 lakh was raised in support of the families of martyred police officers of the Islamabad police.
The money was raised by members of the diplomatic community who took part in an Ironman Triathlon organised by the Islamabad Dashers the other day, says a press release issued here on Tuesday. The Islamabad Dashers Ironman- Triathlon consists of a 600m swim, 16km bicycle ride and an 8km run. It was first organised in 1991. This years event carried on the tradition and was conducted under the watchful eye of the Islamabad police. This was no Sunday walk in the park. Several hundred participants, volunteers, spectators and friends took part in the event to enjoy some grueling exercise, engage in friendly sporting rivalry and to raise funds intended for police welfare in support of the families of martyred police officers. The youngest participant was 13 years old and the oldest was 68 with participants from many of the diplomatic missions in Pakistan including the Australian, British, Canadian, Danish, French, Moroccan, Norwegian, Spanish and US missions as well as the EU Delegation and UN Agencies.
There were also some high profile participants too- the Australian High Commissioner Tim George and the Danish Ambassador Uffe Wolffhechel also took part in the event. The participants showed determination, stamina, and focus as they competed to win the title of the 2011 Ironman and Ironwoman. The athletes registered blistering times in the swimming leg then battled soaring temperatures to achieve some red hot times in the cycling and running legs. The crowning of the Islamabad Ironwoman and Ironman was carried out by the Australian and Canadian High Commissioners, with the Ambassadors from Spain and Denmark. The winners were awarded a unique trophy in the shape of an original heavy duty antique iron. SSP Islamabad Police, Ehsan Saddiq, was extremely grateful for the commitmen! t and ge nerosity shown by the International community in support of the welfare of the police and their families. He has vowed that next year he will add some spice to the event by including teams from Islamabad Police.